For many years my wife and I have been trying to get out of our DP motorhome. We have been in it, full time, since 2007. At first, we traveled extensively, but then, in 2008, our 401k became a 201k. So, our travel days came to an end. But we remained in the MH full time, while I returned to work. Even though we really liked the MH, we realized we no longer had the resources to support it comfortably. But, we had a problem. We couldn't sell or trade it. We tried consignment with no success. We felt trapped. But we stayed at it, and after 3 years we have paid the MH loan down to the point that, finally, we were able to work a successful deal with a Heartland dealer to make the transition. We are over say the least! Free at last! On 3/31/14 we ordered a brand new 2015 LM Savannah and are anxiously awaiting it's arrival. It will be a long couple of months...but still time full of relief. We have cut our loan and monthly payments in half and have a beautiful 2015 5th wheel on the way. How great is that! I look forward to seeking advice, ideas and recommendations on this forum....that should help the weeks go by as we await our new home. Thanks for being here to share this time with us. Gene