Very nice. Through the years we have had a lot of dogs, mostly large ones including shepsherds, labs (3 at one time) charpeis, Rotweiler mix and now a small beagle. Except for 1 of the charpeis and the beagle we raised the others from birth or six weeks. It was not until the last puppy (rotweiler mix) that we learned about using a cage. Sounds mean, but really works great from the start. We started Sadie in it at six weeks and fixed it so she had a sleeping area, water/food (moved this as she got older) and a papered area for her "accidents." She soon became very attached to the area even after she was fully trained and was an adult dog. Until the day she passed nine years later, this was her area. After a couple of months when she was housebroken we stopped locking it. She always had free roaming of the house, but at night when I turned the TV off she would get up from where ever she happened to be and would nose the door of the cage open and "go to bed." (although on cold nights she would later end up on our bed). My point is that in a somewhat confined area a cage might be useful especially when she's a puppy to give her a sense of security and a place of her own without having to use the whole garage area.