Mountain Directory West and East


Well-known member
I suppose that this could be classified as a safety issue since every year, dozens of people die because of losing control on steep downhills. I found these two books on Amazon. Mountain Directory West and Mountain Directory East for Truckers, RV and Motorhome Drivers. Each state that has mountain passes or steep grades has a designated yellow triangle at the location and then a write up giving the particulars on that area. I wanted to get something that would give me some particulars on Montana, Idaho and Washington. Montana, for example, has 74 designated spots. Since I like to travel back roads, I can pick and choose. I would want to know about something like one listed for Oregon Hwy 205 south of Frenchglen. 14% next 3 miles but it's only 2 miles long and includes 25 and 35 mph curves and a 20 mph switchback at the bottom. The West version is $16.95 and the East version is $14.95.



Retired Oregon HOC
We've been over that Oregon grade but not with a 5vr in tow. We did have our 6000lb boat though. They aren't kidding about the steepness! I know we didn't take some of those corners at anywhere near 25mph. We were at more like 10mph on some of them.


Active Member
I've used the eastern version for several years; it has made traveling a lot easier. When we headed west last year, I bought the west version and saw things like "OMG Pass." Reading the descriptions of some of these grades sounds like they were made to be logging flumes. Both these books are a great help in picking routes that won't burn out brakes or tranmissions. Well worth the money.


Active Member
I just picked up the West version. I really really like the detail on the roads. They break it down as to northbound, southbound and east and westbound, give percentage grade and even tunnel clearance. Some places I've read say "trailers not advised beyond this point" For instance, HIghways 4 and 89, "Ebbetts Pass ahead-very steep, narrow, winding road-vehicles over 25 ft not advisable" :eek:


Well-known member
Since I am terminally fearful of drop off the earth type roads, when I needed to go over LaVeta pass in CO. (daughter wanted to buy some property in the area) I "drove" the road via Google Earth. Found out it wasn't bad. Cool use of the computer though.


US Army Retired (CW4)
try Cabbage Decent in OR......warns you 5 miles away! One of the worst in the winter especially.........................................I do it at least 5 times a year going both directions pulling 16K. Yes the directory is a GREAT read in the cab as you approach!!