Mouse proofing the "garage."


Prolifically Gabby Member
I finally got around to sealing up the front compartment (I think). I used some heavy screen material to form a U-channel between the front frame members and the outer wall frame, then filled it with Great Stuff foam. The screen channel prevented the foam from running out the other side and puddling on the ground. Across the top of the compartment, where the overhang bends in, I stuffed sections of pipe insulation tubing in there to close it off on either side and taped (Gorilla tape) a section of the screen material between them to finish the closure. A couple of smaller openings at the rear of the compartment took some Great Stuff, as well.

And here's a little tip if you're looking for structural members under the overhang skin. Get into the front compartment (garage) and look up. There is a gap between the curve of the skin and the framing that allows you to actually see where the longitudinal framing members closest to the front wall are. Just like in this photo of a BC at the factory.
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Founders of SoCal Chapter
crazy cat 017 (Medium).jpg John, one of these works fine. A little bowl of milk and a fresh mouse keeps them happy.


Prolifically Gabby Member
Max and Ally have been pretty good at handling the occasional ones that did make it out from under the kitchen counter. But we don't always bring them along. I've since stuffed steel wool into the holes under them to block them. Getting at the openings for the plumbing requires pulling up the floor of the cabinets. That project will wait for now. I think I got the rest of the smaller frame openings I missed the first time around, and haven't seen any evidence of mice under the cabinets since then (no droppings). I went after the garage because I found a collection of droppings and chewed acorns in there. I did stuff pieces of foam around the jack leg openings, but the front of the compartment was like an open door.

BTW, our cats are unionized. In these photos, they're on break. Seems like they're always on break...