Nasty water leak....can you guess from where?


Well-known member
Please post back if you figure anything out.
Talked to my dealer again yesterday and they still don't have any answers yet.... If it comes back and leaks again this time, that will be 3 failed tries in a row for them.... I don't have much faith.:(
We've had the same problem with ours, Country. We have not come up with a solution yet either. We thought it was the "T" fitting again but it was fine so it is definitely the wind blowing the rain in through the fridge vents. Let us know if they find out anything. It's raining here in Bandera, Tx right now but luckily not much wind this time.


Well-known member
Thanks for the post.
I'm going to call the dealer again this afternoon. I'll post back if they found a solution.


Well-known member
Heard from the dealer. Said they are going to try making a better flashing set up behind the fridge vents to catch the rain and funnel it back out. I'll post back if this works.


Well-known member
Ok, finally got the 4012 back from our dealer and we're back from a long weekend camping with it. Our dealer did construct some flashing behind the vent to catch the rain water and direct it out the bottom of the vents. He said, from the factory, it had some "burlap" with silicon caulk smeared over it (to water proof) in place of this new flashing. The silicon didn't adhere very well and was pealing. This let any rain soak right through. He also said they found a "vent visor" made by Deflecta Shield and ordered two of those to mount over the tops of the vents. These will direct the rain around and over the vents. They will only come down covering an inch or so of the vents as to not restrict air flow. He said he spent a long time on the phone with Dometic discussing our problem and these solutions. Dometic gave them the specs for the flashing so they didn't restrict air flow to much.

It did rain on me the whole way home Friday (4 hours) and most of the way to the camp ground (2 hours) and we haven't seen any water inside. The fridge cooled down quickly and stayed that way all weekend. Though, it was in the 50's outside...

So far I'm very happy with what they have come up with (finally) and we'll see if it continues to work. My dealer also said that Heartland is interested in this fix and plans to use this flashing design on new models.

I'll try and get a pic of the new flashing and post it here. Hope this will help others.


brashercyclone - check your pm

Thanks again for all who chimed in on this topic. We will try to get pictures of the new flashing posted shortly.
Refrigerator vent leak

Thank you for the update Racermom

I am Very interested in seeing your photos of the vent fix your dealer came up with. The last time we got soaked I pulled up nearly a gallon of water out of the carpet. I'm sure these trailers are not made for rain on the inside. Thank you again.


So Far So Good

We had some decent rain here in VA on Saturday and no water was inside of the CAMPER WHEW!!! I am really hoping that the flashing was the fix. Sorry for the lack of pictures, I keep buggin DH to get his act together and get them taken and posted ;).

Hopefully soon.


Water in the dining area from refrigerator

Tom and Judy,

We had a hole in the water line to our icemaker which leaked all through the area under the refrigerator, onto the carpet in the dinette, and it ruined the louver door under the refrigerator. I will be contacting Heartland about this. Upon inspection, the repairman made the comment that he has seen this in alot of Heartland trailers. The factory should reroute the tube away from the element, or cut it a little shorter. It melted the hole in ours which in turn gave way to the leak.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Tom and Judy,

We had a hole in the water line to our icemaker which leaked all through the area under the refrigerator, onto the carpet in the dinette, and it ruined the louver door under the refrigerator. I will be contacting Heartland about this. Upon inspection, the repairman made the comment that he has seen this in alot of Heartland trailers. The factory should reroute the tube away from the element, or cut it a little shorter. It melted the hole in ours which in turn gave way to the leak.
Tom & Judy, we had the same tube spring a leak. I went crazy for a day and a half trying to find it. I finally was reaching around in the area above the ice maker solenoid and felt the water spray on my hand. I couldn't see it but I couldn't feel it. A very tiny hole. I think the tube vibrated against the new sheet metal piece from the recall. Fortunately we saw that we had a leak before it caused any issues under the fridge. Yours is only the second leak of this type I've seen on the forum.

Tom of Ypsi

Well-known member

I know that I am not the first to have this icemaker problem but for the repairman to say he has see alot of Heartland trailers with this problem is a little far fetche IMHO. I also know that this is not manufacture specific. I have talked to other people with ice makers and this has happened to them also. Our icemaker line had three holes that I found all contributed to the heating element along side the line.

Tom of Ypsi

Well-known member

I put one compression fitting on thinking I had it fixed, nope another leak and it was where I could not reach. We have the side x side Dometic which might make it a little different. I had to pull the refer to put in a new icemaker line. A real PITA but it works fine now.


Past Heartland Ambassador
That is probably the #1 thing that owners of ALL brands of RV's have told us they use our Rescue Tape to's apparently an industry wide issue...not a Heartland exclusive issue....


Problem solved!!!

I just realized that I never posted the final outcome of our problem. Issue was with the refrigerator vent. Water was coming in from there, running down the back of the fridge and into the kitchen area.

After much time at the dealer "simulating rain" heehee.. The dealer installed better flashing to direct the water back out of the compartment. Problem solved, no more water issues.
water leak

Racer Mom, completely stoked about the solution to the rain leak. I have had the same problem and would be very interested to see pictures of the modifications. I am fairly handy but this one had me scratching my head. I would like to thank everyone for the ideas you have offered on the many bumps in the R.V. owners road. this forum is a gold mine of info. available nowhere else.