Need Help


I have a 13/4100. Two TowMax blow outs on the left side (looking from rear)main slide in front room took out all the wiring under slide. Looking for a few detailed photos of the wiring chase under the slide so I can make the necessary repairs. Please send pictures to Thanks in advance Ed


Founders of SoCal Chapter
If you still have the tires...keep them. Call Tredit and see if they will help you cover your costs. Their PH# is on the portal page on the left side. Second point, get rid of all the other "blowmax" tires now. The Goodyear G 614's are a great choice...not cheap, but neither is replacing the side of your CY.


Well-known member
Your comprehensive insurance should take care of this for you, make sure when you get your quote for damages you include any damage or perceived damage to the rims such as scratches to the inside of them. Have your insurance company send the check to you directly and choose which repairs you want the shop to make, do the others yourself. Put the money you save into a good set of tires. Or do all the repairs yourself and put all the money toward new tires. And Ditto on the 614s

I have a 13/4100. Two TowMax blow outs on the left side (looking from rear)main slide in front room took out all the wiring under slide. Looking for a few detailed photos of the wiring chase under the slide so I can make the necessary repairs. Please send pictures to Thanks in advance Ed


Founders of SoCal Chapter
Jim, maybe you can do that in Texas. But here in Ca. the check is given to the repair shop and they and you have to endorse the check.


Replaced all 6 tires with g614s. Dealing with Dynamic in Canada since Nov. I figured I'd rather fix it myself so I know it's done right. I have the chase. Looking for pictures of where it's secured at both ends and in the middle if possible. Thanks everyone for the quick response. Ed


Well-known member
In PA it depends on whether it is financed or not, if it is financed you an the repair shop have to sign the check if not the check will go directly to you


Well-known member
I dont know where any state laws come into play concerning a comprehensive insurance contract. But Liberty Mutual will issue the check to you without regard to financing as long as the damage is less than $5000 (in Texas). If you have payed off the note then the payout, regardless of the amount is yours to do as you wish. Dealers say a lot of things that are not true, including citing non-existent laws (quoting laws that do not exist in order to influence a financial decision is extremely illegal in Texas) I got my quote for my TowMax damage, submitted the quote and took the rig in for the repairs that I wanted him to do. He quoted $500 for the rim and 1500 for the skirting and trim, I had him prepare some of it I determined the rim was serviceable, I mounted the new tire that BloMax sent me and sold all five of them. He whined and complained, and even told me it was illegal to do what I was doing. NOT being a chump, I informed him that I did not want to break any laws, would he please tell me what laws he was referring to, and he had no answer, so I informed him that whatever I did, it did not include him, and that if my insurance company had a problem with it, I was sure that they had the resources to recover their money. So many times this stuff is fiction and mythology, and is all actually subordinated through your insurance contract, of which your repair shop is not a party too. So let your agent be the last word on the subject. Theoretically, if you filed with your insurance company and they paid, then TowMax decided to pay you also, what is your obligation, if any, to your insurance company? Or what if you just got an estimate and Towmax paid, and there was no insurance involved at all, would the repair shop still have to sign off on the payment? I doubt all that. I think that the insurance co and your policy dictate all that, and if you can get your insurance company to send you a check without your finance company being involved then you are miles ahead in the DIY department and will have a bunch of money to spend on a new set of G614s when you're finished. Even then all your finance company wants is to know is if the damages were abated before they sign off on the check, given that, you could effect the repairs yourself then send photos to the finance company so they could sign off on the check. My advice is to look at the damages real close, I bet you will find that it is a weekend job and that you can get Heartland to send the parts to you. Some of them are industry standard and some are Heartland specific. Get your duck in a row, and see how much of it you can do, I guarantee you will do a better job than a dealer will do, because you care and you will have a fat wallet when it is finished. That is where you get the money for those G614s.


Thanks for all the advice. Can anyone help with more detailed pictures of the wire chase under the slide out


Founders of SoCal Chapter
John, you may correct on how a check is dispursed. I know a automobile dealer body shop will get the check and both parties have to sign it. This was the way the repairs to the Horn were handled. The insurance co. gives the check to the repair center ....not me. So maybe Jim is correct on a financed and paid off vehicle.