Need Mfg of electric reel


Well-known member
OK. We made a little progress but we need to get to the reel. How do you get to the reel??? We have a BH 3670 and the reel is outside the frame. Is there any other way than cutting the fiberglass?


Founding Wyoming Chapter Leader-retired
I believe the cord reel is "in" the j-wrap (between the frame and wrap). The wrap is held by screws under the trim piece where it meets the laminated side and rear cap of the coach. Pinch the molding to expose the screws.


Well-known member
Thank you for the quick response. I was going out to tell him and he found the problem. We had excitement the other morning(5 AM) with sizzles, crackles and pops and then lost our 120v electricity. We thought it was the Autoformer and took it out, everything worked fine. Today went to put in a new Autoformer and the same thing happened. Traced the wires and was down to the reel. I think more analytically than he does and had him do some other checking of plugs(in basement where Autoformer resides) and he found a short in the plug. This was after I sent out the note. But it is always good to know how to take things apart. Thanks again.


And should you need to order a new reel for whatever reason, 2 things to consider.
Ordering through someone else other then through Heartland will be substantially lees expensive (over $400 for my reel).
And, they supply a Heartland specific reel to Heartland.

IIRC, I got mine through