Yes, as a matter of fact I am a magician.
Growing up my father was a semi pro, did it part time to add some money to our "poor" status.
He was pretty good and I went to a lot of shows to help. Learend early on that if you can fool kids you can fool anyone.
I took to it around 10 or so and started learning what I could. Did some small local shows until late HS and then got invloved with cars and such.
Not having the money to buy many of the props made it didffulcut to replace worn out items. I was only fair with manipulation.
I spent many an hour in the HS library with a friend and we would practive almost every day with cards and coins. He was very good and at 13-14 years old was going into NYC to work with / train others.
His family had more funds then us, so he started expanding his trade and has done fairly well for himself.
I'm sure you may have heard of him ....................