I am VERY impressed with the breadth and depth of this whole Heartland forum. The number of topics is outstanding, and good employees chiming in makes a big difference. Owners and others contribute a lot of useful information. Thanks.
Midyear changes, and absolutely nutso model year introduction dates (as with the auto industry) really don't help consumers at all. I am sure it is hard for web guys to keep up, but in 2014 (15) those who play the website game well score the most points. Keeping menus of options current with accurate descriptions and photos probably would do more for sales than gimmicky marketing ploys with dates and names. Just the facts, Ma'm, just the facts. Some sites allow you to actually build your own product to the point of ordering, with guides to prevent mistakes and other helps to get it right.
Having seen the first 3270 in Utah, I will be ordering one very shortly. Yes, there is a small carpeted additional outside storage locker behind the fireplace. The salesman was surprised to see it.
I have already looked at a dozen sources for ordering options, and I am still unsure I will be able to get what we think we want. Yes, it's complex, but this
hard? The first time I saw the term "standard upgrade option" I just shook my head. And I took Latin in school! Oh, and it took some time before the RV term IPO became clear to me (In Place Of--a custom ordering option). That's an acronym that's not on the old closed thread on RV acronyms. Yeah, I went there early, for both me and my DW.
Unable to to post this in the "Ask The Factory" forum as I am not yet an owner.
Sorry for for the thread drift, folks. Back to the 3720 floor plan discussion.