So everything works as long as it’s plugged in or generator is running. Once I disconnect or cut the gene off tv’s, Ac/Furnace and all plugs cut off.
What am I missing?
Once you unplug or cut off the generator, you're running strictly on batteries - 12V DC. So no outlets will work and the Precision Circuits Control screen will be blank. TVs, fireplace, microwave, Air Conditioning, etc all need 120V AC and stop working.
The furnace uses 12V DC, and if you switch on the propane side, so does the water heater. If the furnace doesn't run, either the batteries are depleted or the circuit between batteries and fuse box has been interrupted.
There is a 12V DC mini-circuit breaker with manual reset that sometimes will trip. That prevents any battery power from getting to the fuse box to power the furnace, thermostat, interior lights, water pump, etc. This problem will be masked when on shore power or running the generator because in that case, the Power Converter changes 120V AC into 12V DC to keep the interior devices running.
If you look at the tank monitors test panel, there'll be an indicator for battery level. When on shore power or generator, you'll see 4 lights. When on battery power only, you'll see 3 and sometimes 4 lights. If you have 2, 1 or no lights, you need to check further.
On the Auto-Level control panel, you can cycle the mode to read voltage to exterior components. If the interior test showed no lights, but the Auto-Level panel shows 12V or thereabouts, the circuit breaker has tripped. If you read less than 12V, your batteries are depleted. I've attached some pictures to help you locate the breaker and reset button. The breakers are near the batteries and are covered by a red rubber boot. The wire arrangement on yours will differ, but look for the thickest wires, as shown in the photo.
There's more info in our owner-written
Electrical User Guide and in the
12V Block Diagram and Diagnostic Guide.