Semi trailers use to have oil bath bearings. When they set for months at a time the top of the bearing dries out and rust. With grease the bearing tends not to rust when parked.
You have seen this or heard about it?
Again, I say that although an oil-type hub with the oil cup and cap is used for the disk brake upgrade kit, MorRyde chooses to pack the bearings with GREASE. I learned this when consulting with an independent trailer manufacturer/repairer with 30 years experience here in Sacramento. I didn't know at the time I had oil-type hubs. I pointedly asked him which is better for me - oil in the bearings/hubs or grease? He said that he has seen too many oil hubs leak unknown to the driver, and the bearings seize up due to lack of oil. He said it was perfectly fine to pack the bearings with grease in an oil-type hub.
So far I have been back from Indiana to Northern California, down to Phoenix and back on those hubs greased that way. I think I talked to MorRyde when I first discovered this, and they re-assured me that grease was fine in an oil-type hub. I would think that most of the people out there with the disk brake upgrade by MorRyde are riding on greased bearings in oil-type hubs.
I would wonder if the original poster had oil in the hub, and the oil leaked out, seizing the bearings, as my local trailer repairer talked about.
MOR/ryde offers two types of disc brake upgrades. One is the "sealed" never lube bearing type hub which is a different brand and type of disc brake upgrade.
'The other (and better IMHO) is the Kodiak branded DB kit which comes with standard GM pads and an oil bath type hub. The hubs, as mentioned above have clear plastic center caps with a rubber plug to add oil.
Oil or grease, either is fine. MOR/ryde does an excellent job of greasing the bearings. When i had my brakes apart last summer (5 years and about 20K miles) my bearings looked as good as they day they were installed grease wise.
Bill, I understand what you are saying. I was asking what Mor/Ryde was using for dust covers. It would not be a good idea to use grease and oil together. I have never checked into it but I wonder if the bearings are different for oil bath and greased bearings.
Bearings are the same.
FYI, anyone with the oil bath hubs and the clear plastic center cover would be wise to have a spare cap or two. Putting a 95 pound tire and wheel on last year I got a bit rammy and broke a cap. I already had spares though.