Thanks for your suggestions and responses.
However, ours is the 27RLSS and there isn't enough trailer length behind the one side slide (couch and table) for the recliners to remain upright. The only way, after an hour of hoisting around the very heavy clumsy things, is to lay them down on their sides to make them fit and the slide to come in. However, just on the ride home 12km from the dealer who left the one recliner in the doorway, there is a big indentation and mark on the vinyl flooring. As we were moving around the recliners, we noticed that one of them has a plastic smooth disc attached to the base. If that had been the one left in the doorway off the carpet it would probably have prevented the floor damage, but of course it was the other one which doesn't have the disc. Are those discs after-market purchases, or what is the story behind them?