Is that an Exmark over in the corner?
Kind of makes our new cover look a little light!
Where did you get the material for the pull through? I'm thinking about building something similar.
Sotty the place looks great. The contractor started on my place yesterday. I had to take down a couple of 80' pines and then put in 2 30' drives one at each end of the lot . Will try and get pictures and post on a new thread later in the month.
Scotty80' pines? I assume there's plenty more since your in NC. I did have to take down one 30' live oak and trim back a couple others. Can't wait to see the photos. Are you going full enclosed or just a shelter. Full enclosed in Texas means insulation and air conditioning or don't go in there in the summer. I don't want to foot the bill to air condition that beast.
I'm looking for ideas for lighting. I would like to install some high bay LED lights, but man are they expensive compared to fluorescent. I found these at Grainger, but they require to be hung from chains (24" min clearance). I would prefer to screw them to the purlins. I may end up using 8' fluorescents since we don't have much cold weather. It seems like the new ballast are not as cold sensitive as the old ones.
........... and future site for carport or garage. The site is at the end of my concrete driveway. I will be able to drive straight into it to park the Cyclone, and drive out the other side when leaving. The land naturally slopes on about a 5% slope. The pad is level from end to end with a 1% cross slope for drainage, so I had to cut down the high side about 1' which creates some drainage considerations. The drainage swale on the high side slopes at 1% grade, front to back. I ran two 4" PVC sleeves across at the beginning and mid points for electrical and water and future irrigation and other utilities. The water service and electrical service will be at the 4" ductile iron bollard.
The pad is constructed using 8" of crushed limestone road base and 2" of 3/8" crushed granite on top to keep from tracking. My long range plan is to build a 24' x 48' carport. It will be built level on concrete piers. If, at a later date, i decide I don't like the gravel, I will pour a 6" concrete pad on top of everything. The piers will be designed with this in mind.
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Very nice! You will have a lot of jealous followers to your post! I wish we had the yard space to have something like that. Again, nicely done!
Rod Ditrich
Washington Chapter Leader