New to this


Well-known member
Hi Boarhuntertx,

Congratulations on the new Mallard and welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum.

Be sure to check out the Owners Club. It's free to join and gets you into rallies with like-minded people. You'll have a great time. Check out the EVENTS tab at top of page to see what's coming up near you.

'Lil Guy'

Well-known member
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new rig. Like Dan says, check out the HOC and join up so you can attend some rallies and start to put faces to the names of the people you meet here.
Again, congrats on your new rig and hope to meet you down the road.


Congrats on the upgrade! We recently went from a pop-up to a travel trailer and love it too. Camp set-up and breakdown are so much easier, and leaving everything in the camper between trips is a great feature. Enjoy!