I noticed when hooked up and I check the Level Up system it said I was -1.5 degrees low. I'm wondering in inches how low the nose of the trailer really is. I looked at the truck and trailer from the side and it looks level to me.
Mine looked level, too . . .
But as it turns out . . . it is not.
The best way to check this is to hitch up the trailer and find a flat surface, then measure each corner of the trailer frame to the ground.
That will tell you if you are towing level or not.
I took this photo just after we arrived home from the Vegas Rally last month in the parking lot of the neighborhood Kohl's store where I measured the corners and discovered it is towing 4 1/2 inches high in the front:
We are now getting ready to replace the rear axle (and all five tires) with roughly 5000 miles on it because of this . . .
By the by . . . I had it weighed last week and it is not overloaded . . .