Nitrogen Tire Inflation


Well-known member
I went to my GMC dealer and they did my four Goodyears for 26.95+ tax

Carl & Christine, 2012 Landmark Rushmore, 2005 Silverado crew cab lt 8 foot bed 6.6 lly /Allison -custom dual exhaust-205000 miles !


Well-known member
I would normally stay out of this, but frankly this is one of those topics driven by myth. As previously stated, air is 80% nitrogen. So, if you are a nitrogen fan, you get 80% free. Oxygen, the other main component of air, is no more likely to leak out of a tire than nitrogen. The atomic weight of nitrogen is actually slightly lighter than oxygen. That would make it more likely to leak if the composition of a gas has anything at all to do with inflation.

There are no credible studies (other than suspect ones cited by pro-nitrogen groups) that show any real benefit of nitrogen inflation. Just sayin'


Well-known member
I carry a 40 cu ft nitrogen tank its 6 in diameter, 18 in tall. I carry it for convenience, smaller than a generator, or air compressor. All I do is open valve air tire. No gas ,oil to worry with it stayes the trailer. Cost about $25 to have refilled, I used last bottle over four years


Well-known member
My previous trailer had nitrogen filled tires. About a year after we got it I was looking at the tires, that were not supposed to leak, and thought the tires looked low. Checked and yes they were very low, I added air from my trusty compressor got new silver valve stem caps, threw away the plastic cheap green caps and never thought about nitrogen in the tires again.

From what I have read to fill a tire with nitrogen and have close to 100% nitrogen you must fill the tire to pressure then deflate it three times without breaking the bead.

Several tire dealers I have talked to say it is not worth the money for them or me to do.

Large aircraft use nitrogen in their tires to avoid explosions of the tires if they blowout on landing or take off. You have to remember those tires are much larger than any of our tires and are going much faster than we are.

So I will not spend the money on nitrogen and adjust the tires based on the current load. Another thought is if you have to check the tire pressure before you head out each time you are thinking and looking at the tires maybe you catch a problem before you are out on the road. JMTC worth.
Have used nitrogen in truck and trailer and swear by it with the tempature swing (hot cold ) and exspansion and contraction find well worth it great on sensors and found no bleeding hold well.