OK friends, now I have a problem.


Active Member
I came home tonight to my penthouse on wheels to find the drawer under the refrigerator full of water. This is the 3610 Big Horn that I bought a month ago. Has anyone suffered the same dillema? I am sure it is the ice maker, but the manuals don't have quite enough info. I want to make sure I stop any water damage and mold problems now and deal with warranty and all of that later. You guys and gals have been great. Thanks


Staff member
What model refrigerator do you have?
About the only thing you can do is look for the leak. T
ill you have time to look for it, turn off the water supply to the ice maker.



Well-known member

Turn the water off to the ice maker line immediately. The shut off may be under the refer behind that drawer or under the sink or behind the utility wall. The line is 1/4" clear poly.

Soak up all the water you can with towels, then put a fan on the wet area for 24 hours to really dry it out good. Depending on where the leak is, you may have to dry out the back of the refer cabinet. Remove the lower refer vent panel outside and if it's wet there, place the fan on a ladder or something and blow it into the back to dry.

If you get it all dried out right away, you shouldn't have to worry about mold.

Some trim items may fail on you. You will know in a few days. Anything that got saturated that is vinyl wrapped will swell up and be wrecked. These will usually be just some small trim pieces and can be easily replaced.
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Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
On my 2011 3670RL (which may be similar to your plumbing), the shut off for the icemaker is behind the access panel, right behind the UDC.
Remove the angled panel and it's right out front, easy to see and get to. (at least mine is)

As Jim said, it's 1/4" poly tubing at a "T", with a shut off valve.

FWIW, if we are going to be gone more than a couple of hours, I have gotten in to the habit of shutting off our water outside the rig. Trace
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Active Member
Thanks. I opened up the vent on the outside, the panel in the basement and took all the drawers out, mopped up the water, put fans in place inside, but could not find a shut off valve. will turn off water when I leave for work and look again tonight. Thank you all again...


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
Check behind that basement access panel again. Mine was right behind the UDC, but up near the top of the basement area. It was a tee off another water line with a small shut off valve. Also check the connections where line meets the solenoid (behind the reefer). It can leak there also if not tight.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Active Member
Thank you everyone. I almost gave up and said they must have forgotten the valve. I saw the 1/4" line but it ran into the floor down between the water heater and furnace and to the middle of the trailer. DAH! The island sink. Conspicuous valve inside the trailer. My pent house is back. I hope the logistics of the warranty work will get things fixed in place. Oh well. Another day. Good night all.


Well-known member

If you are still under Heartland's warranty, it should cover the cost of the repair, depending on the cause. It will not cover any "travel" or "mobile" fee charged by a servicer to make a house call though. Give Heartland a call to see if they can help find a servicer for you.


Active Member
Brad had the same problem on my 2012 bighorn drove me nuts but I found the problem was in the outside fridge hatch the garden hose connection to the solunoid for the icemaker was loose and was a slow drip but saturated the plywood under the fridge and dripped in the drawer , good luck RB2012