Outside Gasket


Well-known member
I ended up using a silicone rtv adhesive/sealant to reattach the gasket. Used painter's tape to hold the gasket while the adhesive cured. Sprayed silicone lube on a paper towel and wiped the gasket and door where it contacts the gasket. It seems to be working.


Well-known member
Any major automotive store will have 3M or other brand weatherstrip adhesive. It's made just for this. Commonly referred to as "Gorilla snot". It's a very sticky glue that comes on a tube. You put it on let it set for a minute and stick the parts together much like a contact cement. Be sure to wipe the surfaces down with a good solvent based cleaner first. Especially if you have used any silicon type products on it. It's very hard to silicon off and it will prevent anything from sticking. If you let it set up a little before you stick the parts together you won't need any tape to hold them in place. Just follow the instructions on the tube...Don