People that upgrade almost new rigs


Well-known member
I have read several posts on this forum of people that are talking about getting a new Heartland unit. When I look at the bottom of the post, it says that their current unit is only 1,2 or 3 years old.

i wonder why you would get rid of such a recent purchase, and how in the heck can it make sense financially?

i am not knocking anyone for doing this, I am just curious.


Past Washington Chapter Leaders

There are many reasons why some upgrade in only a few years, many more than we can discuss on a forum. Our first RV was entry level...we wanted to see what RVing was like having never done it before. During those few years we learned a lot, enjoyed the camping, and experienced what we would like to change/add with a new rig. We upgraded. It didn't make a lot of financial sense but we were careful to make it a "doable" purchase. Besides, my wife tells me I don't have much sense/cents anyway! For some, the financial aspect doesn't even come into play.


Staff member
Larry, as you know we have a 2011 Bighorn. Our last rig was a 2008 Bighorn and we loved it. I was going to wax it but thought it would be easier to just get a new one.
Seriously, there were new improvements on the new one that we wished we had. My wife wanted a bigger kitchen and bigger refrigerator. I wanted to put some after market things on, like the Level Up. We both thought why not a new one...ok.
So thats our reason.



Southeast Region Director-Retired
In our case - for one thing - a king size bed!!! The dog (toy poodle) keeps kicking us out of our queen bed.


Legendary Member
We traded our '07 3055RL for an '09 3370 because the newer floorplan was not being offered and we got a close out sale price on it that we couldn't pass up.


Prolifically Gabby Member
Between 2004 and 2008, we went from pop-up to TT, to BH3670. Size does matter. But, since there's no real improvement over the 3670, we'll keep it.


Past South Carolina Chapter Leader
Sometimes people's needs change.
In our case we have been looking for something to possibly FT in just in case the BC doesnt work out.

As far as making sense financially-Have you ever seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul???
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Well-known member
I appreciate everyone's honesty. We haven't had any unit for a number of years now, so we put out for a new truck (2011 F350) and ordered a new 5th wheel (Bighorn 3585RL). I am hoping that will satisfy us for a number of years.

We are in our early to mid-forties, and will be doing more weekends/short trips than longer trips for now, but I think with the selections we made, we are covered either way.


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
We're in the same age bracket. We bought our very first RV in 2008, a small travel trailer. One year later, Hearland came out with the perfect 5ver for us (the Eagle Ridge). A year after that, at an RV show, a dealer made us a deal we couldn't pass up this spring... A used 1 ton truck and a 2010 Elk Ridge, for not that much more a month than what we were paying for our 1/2 ton truck and NorthTrail.

We continue to keep an eye on Heartland's new products, but so far our Elk Ridge has exceeded our expectations!!


Well-known member
We went from a truck camper to our first fiver, a "06" 3055 we ordered. Seemed like the Taj Mahal. Our stick home is open and we could see living room(TV), dining room, kitchen from every angle. After spending more than 30 days in the fifth wheel we seemed "trapped" especially Renee when she was stuck in the kitchen. The new 3610 seems like the Taj Mahal now. We will spend 3 months in it in AZ so we will see how it goes then. Oh, the all in one bath is more appreciated than we anticipated.


Well-known member
We're on our 4th fiver since 2003, each one was supposed to be the last trailer that we would buy.

I blame my wife. The dealer makes me an offer that she can't refuse. Peace has a price.


We're on our 4th fiver since 2003, each one was supposed to be the last trailer that we would buy.

I blame my wife. The dealer makes me an offer that she can't refuse. Peace has a price.
LOL .. That is just too funny. : )


We traded after two years because we became full-timers and needed more kitchen area than our original BH3400RL had. That particular Bighorn had issues which I won't get into - that's in the past. Now that I see changes being made in the newer models, I want to change again but no way financially would that make sense for us. We are done! Whatever makes momma happy - always remember that!


Well-known member
Whatever makes momma happy - always remember that!

You got that right! That's why we don't have our trailer yet. We ordered a Bighorn 3585RL from the Pomona, CA rv show in October, but the factory just started building it this week because Momma saw the Pecan cabinets and had to have them!