Pine Pitch on roof


Well-known member
I have seen several post about pine pitch on roof over the last few years and just wondering has anyone found a safe product (for the roof) to remove the pitch? I have tried dawn soap and elbow grease, but that does not seem to work and a little afraid to try a harsher item unless someone had tried it and had good results.
currently in PA


Well-known member
You might research this with Dicor Corp, the rubber roof membrane manufacturer. They have a website, and a RV Rubber Roof FAQ Adobe document. Unfortunately, my Wifi is so slow now that I can't get these sites, or their phone number, up for you. Their phone number is probably on the Portal page of this website, along the left edge.

On edit: I FINALLY got the Dicor roof document to load, and it seems pretty good. It even addresses your pine sap problem.
Here is the link to the .PDF document: He mentions using ice to loosen the pine sap drip adhesion to the roof. I wonder if the freeze spray that I used as a diagnostic tool as an elelctronics tech might work even better than ice?

I looked in the Heartland Owners Library, and they had this document listed, but no document stored or linked. I am guessing the club is trying to get permission from Dicor to post this, but haven't got that permission yet.


Prolifically Gabby Member
Oak trees dump a lot of sticky stuff, too. I use Totally Awesome soap, water, and a Magic Eraser to remove it from the front and rear caps. I’ve used a Magic Eraser floor mop on the roof when it was really nasty.

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Well-known member
I’ve not had to clean tree sap off my Rv roof yet, but a industrial chemist told me years ago the best way to get rid of tree sap was the soften it ( basically remove it ) with just Hot water. The hotter the better.


Well-known member
For me, since the recommended practice for cleanup prior to re-caulking areas on EPDM roofs is to use acetone on the affected area (which I have done multiple times over the years), I would personally not have any misgivings about using it on stubborn sap from the trees. Test it in some safe area for your own peace of mind.



Prolifically Gabby Member
I’ve not had to clean tree sap off my Rv roof yet, but a industrial chemist told me years ago the best way to get rid of tree sap was the soften it ( basically remove it ) with just Hot water. The hotter the better.

Kinda difficult if you’re using the pedestal water spigot to clean a 39’ x 8’ roof area (not including the walls and caps).

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Staff member
I guess I'm the odd man out here.
When I get some pitch on the roof it stays there.
To date nobody has been up on my roof to see how clean it is.



Well-known member
Thanks everyone--you gave me a few ideas to try--can always count on this forum to come up with some great solutions.
currently in PA--meandering to ME next week