Plumbing Repair Manual


I am trying to find an 08 Cyclone repair manual so that I can have all of the actual schematics and care and feeding for my Hauler. I am hoping to find a complete repair manual, but plumbing for now would be great. I see a lot of the newer 4 way but mine is pre 2012... I have been through all of the HUG info and while helpful it does not address what I am looking for...


Pete and Penny
07 3500 Dodge
08 Cyclone 3912


Well-known member
There are some manuals and guides available in the "tools" section at the top of the page. My experience has been that there is no set layout for plumbing, particularly in behind the UDC. It just "happens" as the installer puts the line in. Mine looks pretty much like an explosion in a spaghetti factory.


Well-known member
Hi Pete and Penny,

We have an owner-written Water Systems Guide that will take the mystery out of most of the water system components and give you some tips on best practices for usage and maintenance. It's not a repair manual, but does provide some information about common problems you might encounter and how to deal with them. On page 5 or 6 there is a diagram of a typical water system. It's drawn to show how things go together, but of course the exact configuration and layout is going to vary by model and floor plan. We also have a Water Heater Usage Guide and a Water Heater Troubleshooting Guide that you might find helpful.