Hey All,
Anyone have thoughts on pop out supports/stabilizers? Worth the $$?
Seems that many think that if a trailer tire goes flat while the trailer's supports are down...that the trailer will go down, too.
Chances are that if a trailer tire goes flat while the trailer's supports are down, the flat tire will not be discovered until the supports are raised.
That is the point I was trying to make.
Then obviously he doesn't need them...I didn't notice they had a Cyclone
Just like I don't need them on my smaller ultra lite 5'ver.
But that still doesn't discount the fact that many bumper pull TT's with large slides with a dinette that seats six people will benefit from them greatly.
And the scare tactics that many use to discount their use are mostly false rumors at best made by RV'ers that have never used them.
The supports aren't really needed to support the weight of the slide itself when it is deployed...
But to help stop sag and bounce when that slide is out and loaded up inside with people using it for what it was intended.
And you believe the manufacturers of said trailers would condone the use of them? If the manufacturer believe they where needed, would they not included them? Chris
I dont understand the argument that the slide could be damaged if a tire goes flat? I have 3 jacks holding to RV up and I would have to loose pressure in all 3 tires at the same time which seems very unlikely.
Hey everyone, Thanks for all your feedback.....Whoa I didnt realize this topic was a hot button!
To me it seems logical to use the supports if you are staying in your RV for an extending period. Short periods are fine Im sure. I dont understand the argument that the slide could be damaged if a tire goes flat? I have 3 jacks holding to RV up and I would have to loose pressure in all 3 tires at the same time which seems very unlikely.
Anyways, I do appreciate all of your responses and I think Ive got some more research to do.