Our Heartland Roadwarrior Toyhauler has been at RV Station's service department since March 4, 2021, & today is June 18, 2021, & they cannot figure out what is wrong with our Power Control System, as it does not display. They have put on "3" different units and nothing works. A month ago, they said everything else in the unit worked except that. It's true name is "Precision Circuits Inc Power Control System Central Monitor Panel". My husband is SO MAD that they still have our RV, so he will probably go pick it up today, fixed or not. Has anyone else had this issue & how did you fix it? Thanks!


Well-known member
Wow - so sorry to her this. I have not heard of an issue like this that couldn't be resolved.

I suggest you give a quick call to Precision Circuits to see if your dealer has been working with them directly on this matter.

Precision Circuits Inc
2538 Wisconsin Ave
Downers Grove, IL 60515

Phone Numbers
Office: (630)-515-9100
Fax: (630)-515-9101
Tech Line: (630)-515-9100 EXT:704

Customer Service: support@precisioncircuitsinc.com
Technical Support: tech@precisioncircuitsinc.com


Well-known member
My understanding of the PCS system is that there are 2 components that are connected. The display panel connects down at the main breaker panel. If they've only be replacing the wall display device, they may not have touched the failing component.

Also, although I've never confirmed it, I have read some information suggesting there may be a way to bypass the PCS controller in a pinch. If you pick up the coach with a non-functioning PCS, you may not have any 120V AC power to anything unless you can either fix it or bypass it. As Jim suggested, a call to PCS would be a good next step.
I gave contact information to the Service Manager that I received from Precision Circuits; he had no idea who the Tech had been getting information from for the repair! Really?! They've had our RV for months but the Service Manager didn't know why or what! I think RV Station needs to clean house & start over.


Well-known member
Maybe you need to talk to Heartland Service about repairing your rig at the Elkhart factory service center.


Well-known member
I believe the Retail Service Center is at 2901 Dexter Dr., Elkhart, IN 46514. Be aware that they're usually scheduled several months out. If they agree to work on your rig, they'll give you a date, an agreement to sign, and detailed instructions in order to prepare for your visit.