power cord rewind


Have any of you had trouble with your power cord rewind?
Mine worked once and my dealer seems to be having trouble
getting a new one.


Active Member
The only time I had trouble was a case of "operator error" when "someone" :eek: had turned off the coach power at the shutoff switch. Oops!


Ohio Chapter Leaders-retired
If you're not careful, just like with a garden hose winder, the cord will get too big and rub against the outside spindle. Been the only problem we've had with it. Have to be really careful when we wind it up not to let it get uneven on the spindle.


Well-known member
We are on our third year without a problem. I don't recall any problems mentioned in the past. We moe around a lot so we use ours frequently.


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
Been using mine for two years without a problem. You do need to guide it into the reel so it doesn't kink up. I also run mine thru a rag in my hand as it is retracting so I don't get a lot of debris wound in with it.


Prolifically Gabby Member
Mine has worked fine since we got the rig. Cord held in my right hand while it gets coiled by the left.;)


Still no replacement reel. I really looked forward to having
a working reel. Hopefully if I ever get the replacement I
can enjoy mine as so many of you have been able to.


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
Still no replacement reel. I really looked forward to having
a working reel. Hopefully if I ever get the replacement I
can enjoy mine as so many of you have been able to.

I would call Heartland directly, see what's really happening. I am not saying your dealer is lying, but they may not be telling you the real story!?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
I know that the cord reel recently changed. About three months ago they came out with a newer version that had a smaller more flexible cord, and I was told it was now also 35' long. I passed on that option when we built our new rig. Maybe yours is the older style and they cant get that exact unit now. I was also told by our dealer that the replacement units were $300 for the entire assembly.


The dealer finally came through. Installed a new motor
today. I was amazed at the small motor that drives the
As of now all is OK


After the 4th motor on my rewind I have now had it removed, and a plug put in. I am less than pleased with this heartland product and my dealer.


Past Heartland Ambassador
Call Heartland Customer Service 574-262-8030...have VIN# ready and verify that it has actually been ordered...lots of times what really happened and what the dealer SAYS happened are two different things...


After the 4th motor on my rewind I have now had it removed, and a plug put in. I am less than pleased with this heartland product and my dealer.

You have to be the only one I have heard of with a motor failure. The units are made in Florida. Have you contacted the manufacturer yet (not Heartland)?
I have spoken with their tech crew when I installed my reel and was impressed. I think they might be interested in knowing that you had multiple failures with their product.

This may be your supplier



Well-known member
Assuming the motors each worked for a while, having 3 motors go bad suggests something causing them to go bad or possibly a batch of bad motors. But since we're not hearing about motor failures from a bunch of people, it's probably something causing them to go bad. Maybe a bad switch that intermittently applies power to the motor without your knowing it.