Propane Leak on BH3670
For a few times now my wife and I have smelled what we identify as propane in the kitchen area when we first go into the rig. I had one of the dealer's service guys show up at my storage site to check this out, he "forgot" his electronic sniffer and pressure gauge, and said what we smelled wasn't propane. He checked around with bubble juice, but couldn't find anything.
Last month I bought one of those tank mounted pressure gauges and finally did the pressure leak-down test (turn tank valve on, then tank valve off, then watch if gauge for pressure goes down) this weekend. You could see the needle slowly leak down taking about 5 minutes to go to empty.
I got bubble juice, repressurized, and started at the tank, all connections to/from the steel pipe under the rig, all gas input connections to the water heater, furnace, refrigerator and stove. Nothing made bubbles. My only guess might be the flexible hose going into the kitchen slide (refiig and stove), but I don't know how to test that.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Is the gauge leak down test a valid test? Should there be no leak down at all?