Past Michigan Chapter Leader
I just ordered a 2014 Ram 3500 and requested the "fifth-wheel/gooseneck towing prep group" which includes "in-bed seven pin harness connection and mounting provisions for 5th wheel or gooseneck hitches". My question is which hitches does this accommodate? I see that the dealer options have a Ram 5th wheel hitch with glider (manual). I wonder if this is the only 5th wheel hitch that the prep package will accommodate. I currently have a Pullrite SuperGlide automatic hitch that I might move over, but I am not sure if I really need an automatic glide and if this hitch will work on the prep package. I bought the SuperGlide when I was towing a Carrriage Cameo LXI, but then sold it and got our 2006 Bighorn 3655 RD that probably does not need the SuperGlide or possibly even a manual glide hitch. What do you think?