Refrigerator showing "No Fo" Error


Well-known member
Refrigerator showing "No FL" Error

While dry camping this weekend the refrig in our new 3160, kept reporting a "No FL" error message. Clearly this means no flow of LP, so the refrigerator shuts down and the alarm (beeping) starts, in order to warm us.

The LP tanks were both full, the furnace works fine, the stove is running on LP just fine and the hot water heater was working fine.

To fix the "No FL" error, I simply had to turn the refirg off...wait 2-3 second and turn in back on. I could hear the igniter click, a big whooshing sound and then the refrig was running again. It would fails a few times per day...each time coming right back on with the reset method.

BTW...there were no problems while I had the RV at home on AC power...ran for 4 day without a problem.

Any ideas?


Icantre Member
Re: Refrigerator showing "No FL" Error

The fact that it worked when you were hooked to shore power but now starts throwing errors while you are dry camping could be a symptom of low batteries or other problems with the control board.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator showing "No FL" Error

Just checked that. coming out of the outside compartment, the propane line is copper...then through a valve...then into a metal tube to the cylinder where the propane is ignited.

One thing I failed to mention, we were camping at around 4800 feet.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator showing "No FL" Error

The fact that it worked when you were hooked to shore power but now starts throwing errors while you are dry camping could be a symptom of low batteries or other problems with the control board.

That could be it for sure. The batteries that came with the unit are being replaced THIS WEEK!! I couldn't even get 2 full days off them...and we are seasoned dry campers...we know how to save battery power.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator showing "No FL" Error

Even when running in AC mode off shore power, my norcold freaked out this weekend when the 12v system voltage dropped. Due to the charger being unplugged, the batteries dropped to 10v at 4am I was awakened to beeping and 2 errors no LP and low voltage even though these had nothing to do with fridge running off 120v AC!


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator showing "No FL" Error

Even when running in AC mode off shore power, my norcold freaked out this weekend when the 12v system voltage dropped. Due to the charger being unplugged, the batteries dropped to 10v at 4am I was awakened to beeping and 2 errors no LP and low voltage even though these had nothing to do with fridge running off 120v AC!

I think some of the refrigerator control circuits need 12V DC even if you're running on 120V AC.