Rocky start from Iowa to Florida


Well-known member
Well got on the road Sunday, 2Feb, to start from Iowa to Florida. Got just across Mo border and hit ice for about 30 miles, driving in 4x4 flashers on and 35 mph. Got that past and thru St. Louis no problems. Then short of Cape Girardeau more ice, 4x4, flashers. Got off to park near I55, some ice overnight. Left next morning at 10 and was going fairly well. Suddenly more ice, 4x4, flashers on, 35mph. Cars, trucks, and jack knifed semis in ditch and mediam. Then traffic stopped, really bad accident somewhere ahead. Moved about 2 miles in 3 hrs. Finally clear roads, drove until 8pm to try and get past the bad stuff, stopped at a campground. Today we are in Anniston, Al, 58 degrees, Harrah. Thursday going to Atlanta to visit family for a few days, then on to Florida until the end of March. I sure hope we never have to drive in conditions like that again, I was a nervous wreck.


Well-known member
Glad you made it past the nasty stuff. I see RV transporters almost daily pulling RV's out on some pretty bad roads I don't envy them. Grew up North of Cape G...the hills and icy roads no fun. I hope you have a great and safe rest of your trip.


Well-known member
Glad you made it OK Bob, thank your lucky stars you didn't go through KC, MO today, they got hammered with snow. Everyone was told to stay home from work!!!


Well-known member
Well got on the road Sunday, 2Feb, to start from Iowa to Florida. Got just across Mo border and hit ice for about 30 miles, driving in 4x4 flashers on and 35 mph. Got that past and thru St. Louis no problems. Then short of Cape Girardeau more ice, 4x4, flashers. Got off to park near I55, some ice overnight. Left next morning at 10 and was going fairly well. Suddenly more ice, 4x4, flashers on, 35mph. Cars, trucks, and jack knifed semis in ditch and mediam. Then traffic stopped, really bad accident somewhere ahead. Moved about 2 miles in 3 hrs. Finally clear roads, drove until 8pm to try and get past the bad stuff, stopped at a campground. Today we are in Anniston, Al, 58 degrees, Harrah. Thursday going to Atlanta to visit family for a few days, then on to Florida until the end of March. I sure hope we never have to drive in conditions like that again, I was a nervous wreck.

sounds like a terrible trip. A friend of mine left a week ago last Friday for Florida. They hit black ice just south of Erie on the 79 and flipped their brand new rig in the ditch. Trailer is totalled and 20k worth of damage to the truck.


Well-known member
Enjoy your time in Fl. We enjoyed a sunny, 80 degree day yesterday and expect it will continue for awhile. We seldom go north past the Fl - Ga line in the winter months just because of what you wrote about. Glad you made it all in one piece. Again, enjoy our sunshine, warmth, and friendly folks


Staff member
We enjoyed a sunny, 80 degree day yesterday and expect it will continue for awhile.
Stop it!
We decided to stay home and "enjoy winter" this year.
17th worst winter since they have been keeping records.
22 days below zero so far. It either snows or we are in a deep freeze.
I don't remember the last time it was above the freeze mark...........August I think.



Well-known member
We are enjoying winter as well, although I believe we are enjoying it a "bit" more. If you look at the Farmer's Almanac they said it would be a hard winter. I don't know how they do it, but I have found they are "right on the money" with their prognostications more than 85% of the time. I've used their data for years in planting grass, raising beef, and planting my gardens and have never found them to be off. We are hoping that your winter will soon end and we will all be back out on the road enjoying a wonderful spring.


Well-known member
Enjoy! We had about 5 minutes of rain this afternoon. Just enough to keep the grass growing and knock down some of the pollen in the air. I noticed this afternoon that my apples and peaches are all blooming. That's not good. The same thing happened last year and we had a bad freeze on Easter weekend. That killed off almost half of my fruit trees. Oh well, God looks after everything and has a plan in place for all. Perhaps I was trying to grow too much in my little piece of heaven.


Well-known member
Glad you got there safely, the warm weather will help. With the non-stop bad weather it's almost no brakes in bad weather.