Satellite connections???


Well-known member
I had a problem with satellite not working from UDC to entertainment connections also. My problem was the cable or connector under the slide up to the entertainment center wall. In our 3260EL the door side has a connector under the slide that can be used to replace either section you find is at fault. (from UDC to connector or connector to entertainment center.) I did take the basement wall section down to get inside to see the wiring run, then someone here also told me about the connector under the slide, found that one and took apart to find faulty section...then replaced the bad section. Many owners here have found bad/loose coax connectors.
Its frustrating to have this but with patience you will find the fault and repair.


Well-known member
Doubt anyone is waiting with baited breath to hear about this but thought I'd give an update.......

Thanks to Dave "cookie" I took his advice and went searching for the barrel connector in the belly. Found the coax that comes from the UDC and goes up the slide to the entertainment center and pulled it out of the inter-duct. I then pulled gently on the coax and pulled the barrel connector that obviously made the union between the long run from the UDC and the short section that went up the slide. Those ends and barrel connector did not look healthy to me and in fact was not super tight. I clipped the ends, replaced with higher caliber ends and also replaced the barrel connector with a high end one and we are in business. Didn't have to replace the coax from the UDC :) As a result of the tracking and repair, I now have new ends and terminals at every point along the route between the UDC and ETC and my satellite is working fine. (without an open window).

thanks again, good advice from "them that know".