Shower Installation 2013 ElkRidge 36FLPS


We purchased a NEW 2014 Elkridge 36 FLPS in January. Four months later our shower door is sagging and won't close properly. Service technician took one look and said the entire shower stall was not bolted into wall studs!! The guys at the factory just popped it into the thin walls without any regard or care for their work quality. The technician had to rip the wall out of our bedroom to get inside the shower wall, create some reinforcement, and then bolt the shower stall correctly. As a result, our shower stall now looks off-center, has extra bolts everywhere, and has us wondering what other quality control issues we might be facing down the road. Doesn't ANYBODY care about their work anymore?

We are very disappointed.


Well-known member
Hi Lrnosbig,

Sorry you had this problem. I don't have any idea how the shower stall is normally installed or if bolts are ever used ("not bolted into wall studs"), but based on your description it doesn't sound like it was restored to a normal condition. Are you sure the dealer tech knew what he was doing?


"Bolts" might not be the best description. The service tech called them "buttons." When you look at the shower wall, there are several plastic "buttons" which hold the shower wall onto the RV wall. Those buttons should have been popped into studs. They were not. The weight of the shower door was pulling the shower wall and door forward creating a sag. Nothing was stable. The technician seemed to know what he was doing and did the best job he could with the circumstances.


Staff member
Do you have any pictures?
Perhaps before and after?
My shower door was sagging at one point in time.
I just needed to reposition three screws.



Sorry I didn't take any BEFORE photos, but I'll shoot some AFTER photos. It wasn't just a matter of the door sagging, the weight of the door was pulling the stall away from the wall, the caulking was letting loose around the top, etc. I'll post the photos tomorrow. Thanks for replying.