There are also a number of studies on the .22 as a self defense round. Basically the results are that size does matter. The entry wound and the resulting expansion of the bullet and the .22 performs below standard in most all tests including the gel test. Personally, I like the .22 because of what I have seen as results in autopsies in homicide and suicide cases. The bullet fragments and the pieces go in all directions, bouncing off of bone and looking much like a shotgun or snake round blast on x-ray. Would I depend upon it in a life or death situation? Probably not. I would prefer that the perp's last sound would be something loud with a big flash. But that brings up another problem. Night vision with large caliber rounds when the flash blinds you. Few consider the fact that a large caliber round is going to make a very large caliber flash which is going to blind you for any further action.
Selection of the gun is important and needs to be done by the person who is going to shoot it and not from a picture or recommendation of another but from feel on the hip, in the purse or where ever it is stowed as well as in the hand during the draw and coming up on target. But just as important is the caliber because that will determine whether there is ever a second round fired. If it barks too loud, causes too much jump or recoil and too much flash those may mean flinching, blinking, impaired vision and a miss that is deadly, to the gun owner. Because it looks good is, or at least should be, the last of the tests for purchase.
Remember what you select may determine whether you live or die.
Oh, and probably controversial but IMHO if it has an exposed hammer, forget it for a woman's weapon. The hammer will get hung up on something in the purse or a piece of clothing and become worthless.