I have seen several mods on covering stairs, here is how I did it. The best part is it is cheap and easy and are a custom fit. I got one of the plastic door mats from Wal-Mart. Layed the mat on the step and marked around the mat from underneath with a permanent marker. The mat was just the right length for the steps and was wide enough to do two steps. If you want to do the top step, you need two mats. Cut out the mat on the marks to match the shape of the step. On my steps, there are four holes in the step (for drainage I think), two on each end. I laid the mat on the step and marked the holes on the underside of the mat up through the bottom of the step. Last step-punch holes where you marked and then attach the mats with zip ties. These mats really do a good job of cleaning your shoes and the zip ties hold them in place well. Another benefit is that the mats are easily cleaned of loose dirt when you invert the steps when you close the steps. Picture 1-finished result. Picture2-top with ziptie. Picture 3-underside of step.