Slide Out Insulation and Protection


Well-known member
On my New 06 2055 I do not have Slide Awnings YET, I was wondering if I could get some of the blue Styrofoam and cut it snug and put on top of the Slides for Insulation and Protection until I could get the Slide Toppers >

Is there any possible damage that could come of this, like it laying on top of the roof and holding moisture


Well-known member
This seems like one of those things that could do more harm than good, kinda like jacking up the slideout for "support".

Certainly you don't plan to extend/retract the slides with this styrofoam in place? Even if not, I'd be worried about changing the path of water and potentially channeling water into the coach.

Slide roofs are designed for exposure to the elements. Certainly with your rig being 5 years old, they have had some exposure already. Why not just get the toppers in the spring if you're really worried about it?


Well-known member
There are thousands of slide outs in use that don't have toppers. Many people don't want them. The roof is designed to be used as is. I wouldn't worry about it....Don


Prolifically Gabby Member
My only suggestion is to get up on a ladder and make sure the exterior seals on top of the slides have deployed outwards when you extend the slides. Sometimes, they don't fully roll out and that may leave a channel into the coach if it finds a way past the inner seal. Even with toppers, I check mine. I use an awning rod to manipulate the ones on top of the slides.


Well-known member
This seems like one of those things that could do more harm than good, kinda like jacking up the slideout for "support".

Certainly you don't plan to extend/retract the slides with this styrofoam in place? Even if not, I'd be worried about changing the path of water and potentially channeling water into the coach.

Slide roofs are designed for exposure to the elements. Certainly with your rig being 5 years old, they have had some exposure already. Why not just get the toppers in the spring if you're really worried about it?

The slide awnings do more good for keeping the sun from heating the slide than protecting the seal/roof. I agree dont worry about them until later on.


Past South Carolina Chapter Leader
One small thing we did on our slides for winter camping is make what we call slide snakes.

We have never had any leaks with the slides open or shut but sitting right next to slide while watching TV we could feel the cold radiating from from behind the fascia. Condensation was even building up at the very bottom of the interior wall next to the slide seal.

My wife made some cloth tubes about the twice the diameter of a hotdog. We stuffed them with the cheap pillow filling. Then we just stuffed the "snake" behind the fascia.
This really made a huge difference in comfort. The coldest it has been since we made them is only the mid twenties. The condensation is no longer there and the interior wall is warmer next to the slide seal.

I realize this really isnt insulating anything on the slide but it is a small improvement. We made them for all the slides. Even seems to have made a slight difference in the bedroom.


Well-known member
One small thing we did on our slides for winter camping is make what we call slide snakes.

We have never had any leaks with the slides open or shut but sitting right next to slide while watching TV we could feel the cold radiating from from behind the fascia. Condensation was even building up at the very bottom of the interior wall next to the slide seal.

My wife made some cloth tubes about the twice the diameter of a hotdog. We stuffed them with the cheap pillow filling. Then we just stuffed the "snake" behind the fascia.
This really made a huge difference in comfort. The coldest it has been since we made them is only the mid twenties. The condensation is no longer there and the interior wall is warmer next to the slide seal.

I realize this really isnt insulating anything on the slide but it is a small improvement. We made them for all the slides. Even seems to have made a slight difference in the bedroom.

Sounds Interesting can you get Pics of them for me


Well-known member
We use a "snake" just like SOUTHERNLIGHTS but ours is simply a few lengths of 1/2" foam pipe insulation purchased from Lowes. Works great.


Well-known member
Inside or out....I'm Starting to See Things LOL

We took off the tape and stuck the sides together making a hollow tube. When extending the slide the tube is placed on top of the slide, on the inside between the fascia and the side wall. This is done before the slide is fully extended; full extension squeezes the tube to make a very effective draft barrier.