Slow posting again...


I am at my daughter's house using their internet. It is cable and fast on almost everything, but the Heartland forum. It takes almost 2 minutes to make a post or thread..

Anyone else having a similar problem?



Southeast Region Director-Retired
Ok Bob - I have to disagree with everyone. Yes, it's slower that usual for me as well.


Well-known member
Mine has been slower to post. I don't know what that means, however. I also wonder what happened to the little yellow indicator that identified unread posts in the thread outline window?


NE Reg Dir Retired
Bob is so right! I have had replys extremely slow to post especially if there are attachments. Threads are very often slow to load and sometimes seem to be stuck until I click it again and then it loads pretty fast.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
I also have to agree with Bobcat. When "replying" or "replying with quote" after you type your reply and click the post quick reply button, it seems to take forever. I keep a game of spyder solitaire going in hte background to keep from falling asleep.
Now, if I decide right away I need to go back and edit a post I just made, it takes much less time.

Viewing posts and moving around in the forum is fine. Just replying is slooow.


Well-known member
Well - here's my test reply. I will start a timer when I click Post Quick Reply to see how long it takes for my screen to refresh. Then I will come back and add that time here. It took: 34 seconds. Actually, not to bad today.

So everyone knows, a couple months back, we moved everything I run over to a server that is shared by Heartland RVs for the factory website at a webhost in Goshen, Indiana. The server is dedicated to Heartland - so in theory, a much better arrangement that we had with other hosted solutions used in the past.

That said, this is the "one thing" that continues to linger as an issue for us. It's not that the post take so long, it's the screen refresh. That is to say that your reply is posted right away in the first couple of seconds, but for some reason that is server related, it takes forever for the refreshed screen to be sent back to your browser. So that is our challenge - determine why and make adjustments. Unfortunately, while I speak geek, I do not have an advanced degree in server geek. So Michael Kidd needs to be my advocate with the company that owns our server and runs it for us. Stay tuned :)



Well-known member
Ah Ha! I belong to many forums and this one is far and away the slowest. Heartlands web site is far and away the slowest of any I visit. Both connected to the Heartland site, that splains it!


Well I am back at my daughters house and still having the same problem. It is even worse on my aircard in the trailer.

Not tring to complain but just making a note that when I reply to a post or start a new thread it takes almost a minute or more to finish.



Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
I have found that if after you press the "post reply" button, wait a few seconds and press the "post reply" button again, you will get a dialogue box that says "you have already posted.....", and you can go on with other reading, etc. As Jim B stated, your post will be there. This is a quick work around solution.

That being said, this morning my reply posted immediately!


Well-known member
I posted a reply and posted a new thread yesterday. Both took so long after I hit reply I opened up another tab and checked out while waiting. Jim made post about the Heartland web site yesterday and to check out the speed. Didn't see much improvement. I belong to a Harley forum that has 2500-3000 members on line at any given moment and has a bunch of topics and it moves along like greased lightening. Cant really complain cause I ain't paying anything but I have the fasted internet service that is available here at home. Just thought I would add another nickles worth.
Edit: hehe! This one went through like that greased lightening I was talking about. Go figure!


Well-known member
Couldnt get on this afternoon and when I finally did all Posts from 8/17 on had disappeared. Made a post about how I must have been in a time warp and now those posts have disappeared. Getting kinda spooky!


Well-known member
You were in a time warp Bill :)

Forum was down (see separate thread explaining that). When it came back up, it came up with an old instance of the forum. That was up for maybe 10 minutes. Then we figured it out and got it straightened out. Welcome back to the real world.
