SOLVED: Power From Pole Problems (bad breaker)


Active Member
My rig is hooked up to city power but my fridge and AC will not kick on.

Turned the breaker off and started the gen and everything operates fine.

Turned the gen off and flipped the breaker back on and the lights outside got brighter but the fridge and AC still don't work.

I am thinking low voltage from the pole but do not have a volt meter to check.

Is there anything else I should be checking?



Prolifically Gabby Member
Re: Power From Pole Problems

Without a VOM, it's kind of hard to check, but it's possible that one leg of the pedestal is dead. Or there's a problem with your shore cord connectors. Did you just hook up to this site, or was everything working until now?


Active Member
Re: Power From Pole Problems

Its at my dear lease. I was out here about a month ago and everything was fine.

That is one reason I am suspecting the service. Very rural out here.

Thanks for the response.


Well-known member
Re: Power From Pole Problems

Long shot, but if you have the electric cord that can be removed from the RV ( not on a electric reel ). Turn off the breaker, the loosen the outer ring of the power cord and make sure that you twisted the cord far enough to make all the electrical connections. then tighten the ring and turn breaker back on. Someone in a park we stayed at last year had a similar problem and called a service tech. The tech got out of this truck, walked to the cord, twisted and everything came on, said that will be $79 for the call out...


Well-known member
Re: Power From Pole Problems

I built one of these a couple years ago. Has saved me numerous problems since. The only disadvantage is the that you have to manually switch the volt meter from one outlet to the other, because their isn't sufficient room between the outlets to put two meters side beside. Other than that it works great!!! I had some parts on hand when I built mine, but still I would think you could build one for less that $50 if you bought everything.


Well-known member
Re: Power From Pole Problems

Two simple plug-in AC voltage meters are on Amazon - Simple, digital readout ($8.99) :
Digital readout with polarity and ground checks ($31.05) :

EVERY RV owner should have an AC/DC Digital Volt Ohm Meter (DVM). This is a basic toolbox item in today's electrical age. Harbor Freight has them for as little as $5.99 : There are websites with detailed education on RV electrical systems you can search out to learn more about your RV electrical systems and how to troubleshoot them.


Moved on to the next thing...
Re: Power From Pole Problems

I have a volt meter in our trailer, but really don't know how to use it.

I can hook up stereo equipment like nobodies business, but when it comes to electrical . . . totally different story!


Well-known member
Re: Power From Pole Problems

I think that basic electrical circuits are pretty easy. Here is a link to a hydraulic model:

Yes, the advanced AC reactance and antenna theory can get pretty hairy, but as RVers we don't deal in that. 60 HZ AC pretty much follows the same laws as 12 volt DC circuits.

Here is a good overall RV electric website:

Here is a YouTube on using a digital multimeter:


Well-known member
Re: Power From Pole Problems

By starting the generator and successfully running everything, you have ruled out any issues downstream from the ATS. If the source checks out good on both legs, time to open the ATS, and check incoming and outgoing voltages. Meter from Hot to Neutral.


Active Member
Re: Power From Pole Problems

Thanks for the input everyone, we can always count on the Heartland Owners!!! Finally got a hold of a volt meter and discovered one leg of the breaker was bad. Thank the Lord a cheap fix.

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