Re: Satellite TV Hookup question?
here is what I did on our 30RKDD. Take the cover off where the booster is. Identify the color of the wire coming from the outside port. Mine was white. Disconnect it from the booster, drill a hole in the plate and put in a "coupler". Attach the wire going from the outside to the coupler and reattach the booster to position. hook up a coax from the other side of the coupler to the input on the receiver. Then disconnect the tv from the booster and connect to the tv out on the receiver. When you attach your satellite to the outside, you WILL have signal to the receiver and get sat tv signal. IF you want to or have to have antenna signal, you will have to disconnect the tv from the sat receiver and screw it back onto the output at the booster. If you have a second tv in the bedroom, it will not effect it for receiving regular antenna signal, but also you will not have sat signal there without some more creative wiring. Sorry I do not have a schematic for what I did, but it is really very simple. All you are doing is disconnecting the incoming line from the camper "cable" and using it for the sat line. The coupling just makes it where you can do and undo connections easier. Good Luck. Joe