Step light


Active Member
New big country. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't these units supposed to have a light under entry step as standard feature not an option. ��
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Well-known member
The step light has been around for quite some time and the current brochure says there's still one. Is there not a small light under the steps on your trailer? Did someone tell you it's an option? Are you just trying to figure out how to turn it on?


Active Member
No light, there's a bracket where it should be. We bought this thing and did camper swap in a matter of 12 hours at camping world myrtle beach. We missed a lot that needs repaired when we get back to Ohio. The screen door won't even latch its 3/4 inch too small for hole. How they let this crap out the door I don't know. 😡


Well-known member
Our '18 BC came w/ a step light. Had a couple issues last year covered under warranty. 1 issue was a biggy-- outside trim by bedroom started to become detached w/ slide in. HL said to install bit longer screws and LOTS of them. So dealer did and no more problems. Rubber seal/gaskets under fridge slide came loose. Dealer fixed as well. Otherwise AOK.


My 2019 4011erd does not have a step light, and the screen door is also too small for the opening.
did you get anything figured out for your screen door?