I'll be honest most of the time we have the rear patio setup, so the steps are in use. This trip however, we are in beteween houses. We sold the last house in seven days, and the new one wasn't ready quite yet, so 10 days in the RV is better than a hotel. Needless to say, we have a TON of extra crap with us, all in the garage, and the steps are just always in the way. Then I started thinking, if we get a 4 passenger Razor or Golf Cart, what the heck would I do with the steps.
i think the best option is mounting them outside the ramp, but I don't want to cause any structural issues, with the door, or even the springs. We aren't using the Washer Dryer connections, so I've thought about storing them upright strapped to the front wall. But then I lose depth in the garage.
Right now, I think JLeavitt11 has the best idea, and gets the Gold Star!