The forum is back online!


Well-known member
As you can see - the forum is back online. We are in the midst of testing to see if any processes are broken.

There was some data loss but not a lot. So far, I'm seeing loss from the October 19th - the day the forum went down. Sorry about that. Backups are done nightly so it looks like we're using one from the 18th.

As to the server, the web host rebuilt it and we're now on a RAID disk system so we'll have some data redundancy should they lose a drive again.


Prolifically Gabby Member
Thought I got excommunicated for selling my rig

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Staff member
Been down so long I was starting to shake.
I'm surprised they were not using a RAID system before now.



Well-known member
Kind of funny. I posted the night before the system went down about a way to get your satellite dish pointed basically almost free thru the Dish maintenance plan even if you don’t carry the agreement. I ended by saying that things like that make “America Great”. The next morning, it appeared that my right to post had been terminated. My thoughts told me darn, they’re serious about no political talk!!


Well-known member
This happens now and then...thanx to all the technical support personnel who work in the background!


Well-known member
Kind of funny. I posted the night before the system went down about a way to get your satellite dish pointed basically almost free thru the Dish maintenance plan even if you don’t carry the agreement. I ended by saying that things like that make “America Great”. The next morning, it appeared that my right to post had been terminated. My thoughts told me darn, they’re serious about no political talk!!

I also posted just before and mine went completely away...I think yours did also. I would like to know about this "way", would you repost please