Those with 6pt Leveling


Well-known member

Then I took a jumper wire and jumped both connectors on the pump - nothing ( I thought it would make the motor react ). I then checked the system and the pump started working. I ran the jacks up and down and the slides in and out about 6 times. No more failures. Is this weird?

So I think --- when you jumped between the hot and ground going to the pump, you may have caused a dead short that tripped the 12V mini-circuit breaker, which auto-resets after a few seconds.

I would try to find the other end of the ground wire to make sure it's not loose. That wire probably meets the negative cable coming off the battery, perhaps behind the basement wall.

You might also want to replace the 12V mini-circuit breaker. See post #29.


Well-known member
That sounds reasonable. I am going to do the stuff you suggested and hope all is well.

As always you have been very helpful and appreciated.

Thanks Dan


Well-known member
Best guess, when you jumpered the battery to the neg lead of the pump motor you spot welded the loose ground connection. Bad news is it will break loose again, find it and correct it.