Sorry Jadatis, didn't mean to sound unappreciative. Just didn't understand your chart. It makes perfect sense after you spelled it out for us. It also agrees with what I have seen with my tires as well.
To make things clearer , I made a new picture , in wich cold is cold pressure ( so inside and outside the tire the same temperature), and warm is warm, so the smaller written dark green fields.
But about the needed pressure , TwoToes writes that is does not have to be exact, and it even may vary between 72 and 90 for a 80 psi tire.
I dont agree with that , if he means cold pressure . 5th wheelers as topicstarter has ( openened the picture) often have ST( special trailer) tires wich are calculated in their maximum load for maximum speed of 65m/h.
I once compared an ST and LT tire of almost the same sises and concluded that the ST had 15% more maximum load then LT. So STmaxload=1.15 * LTmaxload. This is mainly because for lower speed the tire is more deflection allowed wich gives larger surface on the ground so more load to carry at the same pressure.
Now 5th wheelers and other trailers mostly have tires that can bare yust enaugh to cover the GAWR ( gross axle weight rating) .
Thats the reason why tires for trailers in general need to be pumped up to their maximum, and then still the deflection is to its maximum that is allowed to give no tire-damage at the speed its meanth for.
If now the cold pressure drops because of the temperature drops, as here is the case, the tires get to much deflection.
So its best to pump the tires to even 10 psi more then that 80 psi here, so 90 psi cold.
Then at 80 degrF it has some reserve, and the tire deflects less , probably the same a LT tire would do, wich is saver for the tires.
If then the temperature drops , the cold pressure drops to a level that is still save for the tire, so the deflection does not go over the border where damage is done to the tire. In an European list of semperit(continental) even a 40% higher cold pressure then needed for the maximum load ( that 80 psi here) is allowed to give the tire a loadcapacity of 2 times the given maximum load, when standing still so speed zero, so you dont have to be afraid if the pressure cold gets more then 90 psi when the outside temperature is hotter then 80 dgr.
For a 80 psi tire 90 psi is only 12.5% higher so there is still some reserve to laws of nature.
For a 50 psi maxloadpressure tire this 10 psi is also alowed extra and then even 20% above maxloadpressure wich is half way down what the semperit document gives as maximum cold pressure .
Warm it will be even higher , when standing still only the outside temperature can rise the pressure , so I asume the absolute highest pressure the tire-maker stands in for , is about 1,5 times the maxloadpressure ( that 80 psi here).
So filled to 90 psi at 65 degrees it can rise to a warm pressure ( so inside tire warmer then outside tire) of mayby 110 psi wich is 37.5% higher then 80 psi so still within the savety margin of 50%.
And that 90 psi is allowed for ST and LT tires by the tire-makers organisation TRA.
I also made a multilingual tire-pressure calculator for Travel-trailers one for motorhomes.
The TT calculator is most simple to use , and also gives tonge-weight percentage of total.
The motorhome calculator can also be used for this, and gives more variations to play with it and set it to your own ideas, but needs some inventivaty of you.
The Traveltrailer- map here!348
And the Motorhome-map here!793
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Thats the disadvantage of the Skydrive , that belongs to my hotmail adress with same username as in this forum, wich I use to store my spreadsheets and pictures ( also this above picture is stored there).
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So my advice is to calculate the needed pressure, and use for ST tires only 80% of the given maximum load.
This gives the ST tire the same deflection a LT tire would get when used for dual load, wich is also saver for tandem-axle ( or tripple), because of the large sideward forces when curving, and the unequall loading R/L and between the axles ( so one tire can have much more load on it then the others). Once saw in another forum a difference of 800 lbs between the highest and lowest load on a tamdemaxle 5th wheeler with even crossed weight-differences R/L between the axles.
Then if the adviced pressure with even up to 10% reserve comes to 90 psi for a 80psi tire it is ok.