Touch Audio - DVD/CD


Just got back from our first trip out and the Touch Audio system would not recognize dvd's/cd's. We couldn't get any discs to load without getting the "no disc" error message. Also the system sounded like it was full of rocks while spinning to load the discs and each disc we tried came out with a scratch around the outer edge of the disc. Nothing from the outside of the unit appears to be damaged. Anyone else have similar issues with this system? Off to the dealer we go for service.....


Well-known member
Dig around on this forum and you will find many folks have had all kinds of problems with touch audio. I a lot of cases, the fix has been to just replace the unit (a couple of times even).


I did notice it had a lot of negative feedback... Looks like the start to a never ending problem. Thanks for the advice...


Yes, they gave me another Touch Audio unit. The new unit worked great the first day and quickly went down hill the second and third day camping. It now can only be used with the remote and still has a mind of its own by randomly turning up the volume, changing stations and changing modes. I've reset the unit, pulled the fuse and nothing seems to make it work properly. At this point its a piece of wall art. Time to invest in better equipment.