Tow Vehicle for Augusta


1st Tennessee Member#1084
Considering a 2011 Augusta, What do you tow your with. Seems to be a lot that have an F250/2500.:confused:


Well-known member
we use an '06 F-450, but the new GM and Ford 350/3500 are more than capable. we LOVE the duallies, and would not be without.


Well-known member
For what its worth a friend of ours has pulled his Augusta with a "03" 2500HD for few years. Now here is the fun part: he doubled tows a trailer with his Harley and 700 ATV. Says it handles it fine but he also takes his time.


Perfict Senior Member
2011 Ford 350, Chevy 3500, duellie......not sure if Dodge can handle the heavest Augusta loaded to the hilt.


We use 2500 HD but we do have to be careful about weight. We added airbags which helps alot. Our Z71 package gives the heavy duty shocks.


Well-known member
250/350 or 2500/3500 usually have the same "towing" or pulling capability. The big difference is the payload, which includes, you and your passengers, the hitch, tools, other stuff in the truck bed, fuel, and 2123+ lbs of pin weight from the EMPTY Augusta sitting on the 5th wheel hitch. That all easily adds up to over 3000 lbs before putting any gear or any water in your trailer. If you check the payload specs on 250 or 2500, you'll find that you'll likely be exceeding the truck's payload spec, which puts too much weight on the rear axle and not enough on the front axle.

The price difference between 250/350 or 2500/3500 is minimal (~$1000). On the GMC truck the payload difference is about 1000 lbs, depending on model.

On the other side of it, a lot of people no doubt are towing big rigs with 3/4 ton trucks and haven't had any apparent problems. There are some 250/2500 truck configurations that offer sufficient payload. But for $1000, you should go with the 1 Ton 350/3500 and avoid overloading.

Btw, I shopped the 2010 Dodge 3500 single rear wheel. The payload spec was almost the same as the 2500. Yes the 3500 dual rear wheel has sufficient payload, but shame on Dodge for crippling the SRW model.


Hello, I advise(recommend) you to take F-350 to have enough payload. You will avoid the problems especially in mountainous region.


Well-known member
The 2011 F350 SRW crew cab lb is 11500 GVWR. 15700 is the loaded trailer weight for Fifth Wheels. Certainly pull an Augusta very easily but you will have to watch the loading or you can go over that if you have a lot of stuff or full tanks. 23400 is the rated GCWR so plenty of room there again if you don't really stock the coach full. We have to minimize our loading and leave the water tanks empty to stay legal.
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