BD3 Question Here:
I want to lube the pins. The pins have been in/out and in the weather enough that I want to lube them before we really start using it this camping season (which is finally here) Anyone have any of lube type and "how to" suggestions? Also since I just got this BD3, I'd take any suggestions on maintenance.
Can't lube them without disassembling the hitch - no matter what the manual says.
The part that actually has zerk fittings does not grease the area that needs it most.
Partial goof here - I missed the "BD"-3", not a "TS"-3
Your manual specs to grease the vertical pins every time you put the hitch in. That is completely different then the TS-3 which does have two Zerks on the forward pin.
The hitch head assembly appear to be the same. The manuals suggest using a spray lube at the recess in the head for the two vertical pins that hold the jaws.
Those pins are pressed into the head, no way is any spray lube getting into the pins. I might get some in by spraying underneath the head, but odds are you will just make a mess.
The two horizontal pins that hold the head to the saddle and are also pressed in. There is no way to lube these pins without taking the hitch apart.
here is a TS-3 dissected a bit, you will see the similarity of some of the parts and associated issues.