Traveling fever


Retired Oregon HOC
So sorry about your grand daughter. May every day she has left be a joy.
Mark and Kristy


Active Member
We are so sorry to hear that your granddaughter is terminal. It just seems so unnatural for a young person to go before the grandparents and parents. We will be praying for strength and comfort for your granddaughter, her parents and you.



US Army Retired (CW4)
Just isn't fair

These are just things we have no control over! When she passes (I am so very sorry) a small piece of you will go with her. It is a feeling and a memory that will never go away, but it will become easier. :angel:


Senior Member
Mayby I should explain.
My granddaughter has been sick all her life
When she was 3 months old, she had a serious hearth attack, and survived.
Later she lost her sight, and was blind at 11 years old, and never saw colors all her life.
At the time there were 27 kids with the same sickness in the world.
Most of her vital organs are affected by a rare blood desease.
She has Alsthrom desease, and her chance of living past 25 were very slim.

She has had a full life for the past 23 years, considering her handicap.
We took her traveling with us, even while she was in a wheel chair and on oxygen.
She visited all over Canada, US, Ireland, France and local mine museum, theme Parks and all the tourist attraction and historic site.
She was the local radio corespondent at 11 Years old.
She graduated in her class with average marks considering her handicap.
Now she is still thinking about her family and doin her best that they remember her by the things she likes to do best, and that is cooking.
She has a very weak heart and cannot get any transplant because of her condition.
She has been on Oxygen for the past 4 years and now There is no amount of oxygen incease left so we are waiting for her heart to fail. She is past the doctors estimate, and choose to stay at home to continue here family life.

We are bleesed to have had her in our life, she has been an example to us all, to keep trying till the end because the little things we can share are so important to her.


Active Member
Wow. thank you so much for sharing your Granddaughter's story. Isn't is amazing how someone so ill all her life could be so full of life and really be an inspiration to those around her? God has given her a special measure of grace and strength to have accomplished so much in her 23 years. I'm not so sure I would not have been so determined to live life to its fullest. You truly have been blessed to have her. Enjoy what time you have left with her and treasure all of the memories God has given you with her. I hope someday we meet in our travels so I can see pictures of your precious girl.
