Trim screws-----heads fall off


Well-known member
Hi All! I noticed that some of the trim screws on the bedroom slide looked like they had started backing out so I started checking all of them on all three slides. Some turned a quarter turn, some a half, some more. The heads on four of them fell off as soon as I touched them with a screw driver. I am going to cover the holes with caulk for now, because we are planning on being on the road for awhile, but was wondering how is the easiest way to remove these broken screws so that I can replace them? Tom M.


Past Washington Chapter Leaders
I too will be interested in the easiest fix...the molding that holds the rubber seals on the bottom of all our slides is missing half the screws. The heads are broken off! For this it might just be easier to drill new holes in the molding inbetween the existing ones!


Well-known member
Good Idea SJH! I will do just that and use some good adhesive caulk on the holes that are left over from the ones that broke off. Tom M.


Prolifically Gabby Member
The idea of drilling new holes is the best one. Those thin shanks are impossible to get out without drilling a bigger hole around them. I'd go with the added expense and get stainless steel screws. You might consider finding a place that actually makes and sells fasteners, like this one. I've used them for a couple of specialty projects requiring SSFe fasteners into aluminum panels.


US Army Retired (CW4)
They are simple pot metal screws. I replace mine with stainless steel (white color) when they break off and MANY DO!


Staff member
In the past I had some break off. I just driiled a new pilot hole right next the the old screw and installed a new one. Can't even tell one was broke off.
