Truck Bed Cover question


+1 for Extang. I have the Solid Fold (3 panels) and it works very well for my needs. The hardware in not accessible from the outside and, short of prying the thing off, once my tailgate is locked there is no way to access the bed. It is also very easy to take off when I need access to the whole bed for big items. 2 wing screws and it lifts right off.


Well-known member
I tried doing a forum search (like I always do) but for some reason the suggestions that came back didn't have anything to do with my search.

Anyway. I'm wondering about the truck bed covers. I know I don't want the hard top, but i like the roll up kind. Don't love or hate the snap on kind.

My question is, do you have a truck bed cover? Do you find it useful? What kind do you have or would you recommend? Thanks.

I am using a 4 fold hard cover made by BakFlip . I really like it.



Well-known member
I have the soft-top Extang. Easy to open and close - it's a tri-fold design. Even folded in three, it stays low enough below the font of the 5th wheel cap. All hardware is enclosed - once I lock my tailgate there is no way to enter short of slicing open the material. If I need it off - it comes off in about 2 minutes - without tools. No water penetration.


Perfict Senior Member
I've been through many covers on quite few trucks. Choosing one depends alot on your budget. The Retrax's finish is top quality but it's very noisey while moving ($1000). Pace Edwards JackRabbit makes some noise but still looks ok after 4 years ($800,I use lots of 303 protectent). I like the Tonnopro tri-fold on her Ram because its easy to remove and the value $200.


Well-known member
I have an Access Cover and love it. I've moved it from one truck to another and it's still in great shape. This is the first roll-up cover I've had that works perfectly even in sub-freezing temperatures


Well-known member
+1 for Extang. I have the Solid Fold (3 panels) and it works very well for my needs. The hardware in not accessible from the outside and, short of prying the thing off, once my tailgate is locked there is no way to access the bed. It is also very easy to take off when I need access to the whole bed for big items. 2 wing screws and it lifts right off.

I ditto that Extang tri fold is the best folds up and covers fifth wheel hitch nicely . Great product and diveman is right once u lock rear tailgate only way in is cutting or prying . Looks nice too.....


Active Member
We have a Roll-n-Lock. It is very good, you can stand on it (although if you are over 180lbs might be dicey) and it keeps 99% of the water out. We also have a 37 gal auxiliary tank which fits nicely under the roll-n-lock .


New York Chapter Leaders - retired
I went for my lungs and bought the American Truck cover with built in toolbox and roll up bed cover that is rigid and strong. Well worth it quality workmanship. Autoanyting has them.


Well-known member
I have the Extang Trifecta on both my trucks. They work great.

I had a Jackrabbit on an older truck. It was nice as well, however, as previous poster stated it takes up a fair bit of room in front of the truck box.

If you decide to go with Trifecta and you'll be satisfied.