Truck bed covers


Well-known member
We have a literider soft bed cover on our Chevy and have used it for about 4 years, it is showing a little wear. We love it, one thing I did was buy extra rail clamps and split the rails just in front of the hitch so that I would never have any problems with the hitch getting into them. It takes about 5 minutes to roll and when we get to out site about 5 minutes to set the rails and unroll.


Well-known member
I installed my new cover from Advanced Folding Cover today and it looks good to me . Easy install, hard cover. one panel opens at the front and it folds up from the rear and lays on the panel at the cab out of the way of the hitch. It has 4 clip straps to hold it down while towing. Looks like it will keep water out very well. Locks on both ends and can be opened w/o opening the tailgate. Price was right at under 700 delivered.
Not trying to sell it just reporting first impressions.


Southeast Region Director-Retired
Richard, did you get the quad (4) fold unit? Can you take a pic? Would love to see. Thanks
I have a hard cover that hinges. There are three sections and I have never had any issues with hitting the pinbox. I did however have to change the release handle on my hitch so that it wasn't any higher than the bed rails.

Good luck,
Is it hard to change the release handle - I'm a newbie on fifth wheels and I would really like to have a folding cover, but I saw that the handle is sticking up over the bed - thanx


Well-known member
Folks, I posted in the general forum the same questions. Do any of you know if the Fold a Cover will go over a RDS transfer tank and allow me to use a combo tank and tool box ? My intentions are to keep the tank below the side rails of an 8' bed. Also, I know nothing about the Fold a Cover, is it able to be taken off ? Will it be more secure then a soft cover ? I know absolutely nothing about it so any nfo would be appreciated. Nabo, please excuse me for interupting your thread but maybe my questions are helpful to you too.


Well-known member
I have a RDS tank in mine and clearance is good. If your below the rails you should be OK, there are hinge mechanisms on my front panel but they do not hang much below the rails.
There are 2 bolts that need to be loosened to remove the cover and IMO a hard cover is more secure than a soft one but certainly not 100 % secure.


Active Member
I have a Transfer Flow 50 gallon tank in the truck and the fold-a-cover work fine. The tank is below the bed rail.



Southeast Region Director-Retired
WOW - thanks Richard! Great pictures to help understand how the quad folding system works.


Semper Fi
Nathan, I have had three chevy's and on each one I put an ACCESS Roll Up cover. Very low profile and easy to use. I am sold on these as far as soft covers go. They also make one that butts up to a bed tool box, which I now have. I currently have a low profile tool box with the access cover butted up to it and neither interfere with the my fifth wheel hitch or when pulling our cyclone. In 60 seconds the cover is rolled toward the cab for hook up and when unhooked is secured over the bed within another sixty seconds. Just key in Access roll up cover and you should find it with no problem.