Two spare or not two spare - that is the question ...


Well-known member
And so, after much procrastination, concern solved ... with room to "spare" :rolleyes:

With my luck, I'll probably blow 3 tires at once ...

BTW - wheel & tire assembled and shipped to my door - $228.00. Tredit Tire.



Well-known member
I am already concerned about someone stealing my GY spare. I would be looking for some way to lock the tires (maybe together) down if I had 2 of them.

Just an FYI - drill a hole through the flat plate of the tire carrier on the right side (where the threaded bolt that holds that end up is) and put a padlock on it. If they want it, they'll still get it but they'll have to work at it.

The one I keep in my truck is secured with a 3/8"vinyl coated steel cable with padlock.