Typical Blade Valve used in RV's


My particular unit is a 16' Sundance 3700RLB 5th wheel. 5 tanks. 1 fresh, 2 blks and 3 Greys,.

I want to swap out all my remote blade valves for new ones as they are getting sticky /hard to operate. and since they are not the easiest things to replace due to being
in the belly. and the work require to access them. Im attempting to do some recon work. and have them on hand when the work begins.

So. are they Valterras,Camco or other. And or does it even matter as perhaps they are interchangeable.
Also going to inspect and or replace all the cables too.

My goal is to have the parts in hand and minimize the down time of the swap.



Well-known member
Did you by chance purchase the extended warranty? We did, and had our valves replaced and covered under that warranty by a mobile tech.... FYI


Did you by chance purchase the extended warranty? We did, and had our valves replaced and covered under that warranty by a mobile tech.... FYI

T&J: Sorry We are not the orig owners. We are the 2nd.. the unit was in premo shape when we bought it. very little use-age on it. and kept indoors most of its life too.
I have yet to uncover the existing valves so I dont really know what the prob is but Ill get to the bottom of it :)

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I say this fix some time back but the recommended lube was/is baby oil. It does work and may save the big repair you are planning.

Yes, I have seen this vid. I wont know if it helps me till it gets inspected after the tear down. I could only hope its this simple.


Well-known member
It does not matter as Camco and Valterra seals are interchangeable. The fancy name for the cables is Bowden wire. My method is to have a can of lubricant where it is easily accessible and spray the inner portion regularly ( when it is pulled out ) so it works itself down and keeps it lubed ( hopefully ). It seems to work. The lube in the tank thing helps too.